Based on hundreds of successful convenings, Education First created our Strategic Convenings Coaching and Toolkit to help planners everywhere realize the full potential of their next convening.
The Strategic Convenings Toolkit documents our step-by-step process to planning excellent convenings. Purchase the toolkit today to access all of our templates, guidance and tips to make your next convening a success!
- A step-by-step guide to planning a convening or a series of convenings
- Tips, tricks and troubleshooting recommendations
- Templates and reusables for every phase of convening planning
- Advice on continuing the learning process after your convening by creating and managing a community of practice or learning network
For more than a decade, Education First has helped organizations realize the power of convening groups of people to learn and accomplish a common goal. We have facilitated interactions ranging from a dozen to hundreds of participants per convening. We have found that the most transformative interactions stem from a basic premise: Everyone in the room is an expert; the job as planners/facilitators is to harness the power of the group you have convened.
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About Education First
Founded in 2006, Education First is a national, mission-driven strategy, policy and implementation consultancy with unique and deep expertise in education improvement. We have nearly 50 consultants in 16 states.
Our mission is to deliver exceptional ideas, experience-based solutions and results so all students–and particularly low-income students and students of color–are prepared for success in college, career and life.
We support districts, states, policymakers, advocates and funders that share our mission and help them tackle the barriers getting in the way. We have served national, state and local clients in more than 40 states.